Forrest Keeling Nursery is CFM Business Alliance Member and supporter of Missouri’s outdoors. For those CFM members in the St. Louis area who are unable to attend CFM’s Affiliate Summit on Thursday, September 14 at Lake of the Ozarks, consider visiting Forrest Keeling Nursery’s Fall Field Day.
Vibrant soil health is a local, regional and global concern and will be the topic of Forrest Keeling’s Fall Field Day on Thursday, September 14 held at Forrest Keeling Nursery, Elsberry, Missouri.
Globally recognized environmental microbiologist Dr. Andrew Neal, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, U.K., will provide the keynote. Guests will learn from Dr. Neal about how complex interactions between plants and soil improve both plant health and performance while helping restore clean air, pure water and renewed earth.
There will be breakouts and tours throughout the day with
Dr. Neal and other top experts. Each will give you practical measures for working with nature’s plan of diversity and balance to help landscape and agricultural projects succeed while supporting a vibrant soil ecology.